Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Touch Of Eternity

I just happened to take a look through my journal and I came over this piece of simple writing. I even forgot that I had ever written that.

"06:06 pm

It showered today. The air is moist and cool. First time in Delhi when I could feel the weather. Otherwise,it's extreme here.

I open my window and the cool scented breeze blows in touching my face. The earth smells sweet, wet with rain. It drizzles still.

My mind flies back to my days back home when I was a kid; free, happy and content. On such days, I long for them again.

The first touch of spring breeze is here. Yellow-green foliage bud freshly out of the trees around. They promise me of life and eternity.

Beauty is eternal. Only you and I die.


Abhinav said...

You write awesome man

Moli said...


Unknown said...

extremely beautiful..

marpi ete said...

yae..its true...smtimes the way of life turn on that way in u could find nothing ,although der lies everything if u feel it throughly...